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During my sophomore year of high school, I participated in a leadership program called
Apogee. It was a year-long course consisting of weekly Zoom calls with other like-minded high schoolers and mentors who talked about the life skills and qualities of good
men. Every month different challenges pushed me to improve my life skills. These
challenges ranged from simple things, such as making a point to address adults in my
life as ma'am and sir, to more challenging things, such as cold calling leaders in the
business and entrepreneurship world to ask for advice on how to become a better man
and contribute more to my community. I also got in touch with local first responders to
ask similar questions. Another challenge was to speak publicly. This challenge gave me more confidence when talking to large groups of people following that exercise. Furthermore, the push to volunteer within Apogee influenced my current role at the animal shelter. Overall, Apogee helped me to expand my knowledge and skills related to being a great human, including promoting
selflessness and self-improvement.

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