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Wrestling legend, Dan Gable, said, "Once you've wrestled, everything in life is easy."
When I was on the Faceoff X for lacrosse at the state championship, I thought, "This is
nothing compared to a regular training session on the mats." Even during the off-
season, it is hard to find a time when I am not thinking of wrestling. Whether in the weight room or rolling around with my teammates during an open mat, I always work to improve. One of my goals in life is to become the most optimal version of myself.
Wrestling in high school is a natural stepping stone in achieving that goal. Wrestling
pushes me far beyond what I believe to be my limits. It has taught me not to just go
through pain, but to thrive in it. I wrestled throughout middle school and made the varsity squad as a freshman. I qualified for state in both my first and second years. When I reflect on my high school time, I am confident wrestling will be one of my fonder

2022 Wrestling Highlights

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